3 Ways to Enhance Indoor Air Quality for Those You Love in Assisted Living

When a loved one needs extra help with daily activities and it’s time to make that decision, it can be hard on the whole family. It’s the end of an era that brings along complicated emotions and details to sort through. The last thing you want to worry about is the air quality in assisted living facilities.
Underlying concerns of care and conditions already play a large role in choosing their new home. And, can we be honest, with the utmost respect? Most of our noses immediately recognize when we walk into an elder-care facility. It amplifies the question of what we can’t smell or see.
As we know from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, what lingers in the air seriously affects our health. Since your loved one is moving into (or is already in) assisted living, they’ll spend most of their time inside. So it’s the perfect time to look at ways to improve their indoor air quality. We get that people often wonder if air purifiers really work. (Hint: Ours does!) You want your loved one to be as healthy as possible, and they want to feel their best too.
FilterQueen has been in the business of improving people’s lives with healthier indoor air since 1928. We’ve learned a lot about the best ways to help you breathe easier. When it’s time for assisted living or nursing home care, we’re here to provide expert and compassionate insight for your loved one’s respiratory health.
Consider these three options to help everyone breathe a little better.
1. Use Non-Toxic Everyday Products – Especially in Small Spaces
We all have projects, hobbies, and normal daily routines. If your favorite aunt is anything like us, there’s always something on the to-do list. Depending on what it is, simple everyday products could be adding harmful pollutants into your loved ones' space — without you (or them) even realizing it!
Check out some dangerous toxins we might not think about:
- Paints
- Glues
- Cleaning Products
- Cosmetics
- Nail Polishes
- Arts and Crafts Supplies
These are just a few examples of products that can end up polluting the air of your loved ones' room. If your mom likes to get her nails done every week (hey, we choose what makes us happy), it’s important to think about the type of nail polish she’s using. Certain products are made safer for people’s health and the environment. What’s not in her nail polish is just as important as what is!
One of the biggest problems with all these products, and even stuff like furniture, is they emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) — and many are toxic. VOCs are often man-made chemicals emitted as gasses into the air. They have short and long-term damaging health effects.1We totally understand that sometimes you can’t avoid using this stuff (we gotta live, right?). But we highly recommend researching non-toxic alternatives, many of which are readily available in stores and online. I mean the bathroom does need to be cleaned after all! Let’s look at how you can improve the air if you can’t get around using potentially harmful products.
2. Natural Ventilation Is a Simple Way to Get Air Moving
If you can open a window, by all means, open the window! A study shows that the air indoors is 2-5 times more polluted than the outside air.2 (Mind-blowing, right?) Natural ventilation not only brings fresher air indoors, but it helps circulate the air inside.When it’s time to get crafting, open a window to let those fumes out of the room, so everyone breathes easier. If the windows are sealed, consider moving to a larger space, like a community room, where air circulates more readily through the HVAC system.Poor air quality can cause many unwanted and unpleasant symptoms. When our loved ones need to be in assisted living homes, the last thing we want to worry about is them feeling worse.Immediate Negative Health Effects From Poor Air Quality 3:
- Eyes, Nose, & Throat Irritation
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
Increasing natural ventilation by opening windows or doors and running fans moves air around and brings cleaner air to your environment. Plus, this is a budget-friendly choice everyone can jump on board with.
Now let’s explore the ultimate way to improve your loved ones' air.
3. The Defender Air Purifier Removes 99.99% Of Harmful Air Pollutants

2020 gave us insight into how truly important it is for the air to be clean in assisted living facilities. We saw multiple SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks across the United States because this virus remains in the air. And think about all the places that couldn’t open windows because of the season.
We might be biased here, but an air purifier in an assisted living facility might be the most effective way to protect your parent, grandparent, or loved one. While HEPA filters are the minimum standard, at FilterQueen we go way above the standard. We deeply care about our customers’ health and safety and spent years researching and developing a better filtration system.
Our Medi-Filter Cartridge Performs 3X Better Than Standard HEPA Filters
Getting rid of nasty germs and toxins, hanging around in the air, and putting your loved ones at risk, is the entire point of investing in an air purifier. The Defender captures unwanted particles down to 0.1micron. (Take it from us — this is mind-blowingly tiny.) This air purifier undeniably improves indoor air quality — whether you want protection from the scariest things like SARS-CoV-2 or simply to get rid of foul smells or stale air.
Our proprietary filter traps:
- Viruses & Bacteria
- Mold Spores
- Dust
- Pollen
- Pet Dander
- Nasty Odors
As we saw with the pandemic, SARS-CoV-2 spread quickly in living facilities. Our air purifier comes with verified results from our independent testing for SARS-CoV-2. We all know how added protection feels right now, and we’re proud to offer this assurance to you.
Our older loved ones are often a higher risk population due to their age alone or other underlying health issues. Breathing clean, high-quality air makes a difference, especially to our most vulnerable loved ones. Aging isn’t easy on anyone, and simple solutions to improve the quality of life for your loved ones are more important than ever.
Choose FilterQueen’s Air Purifier to Defend Your Loved Ones
The collective decision to move someone you love into assisted living isn’t easy. You shouldn’t have to worry about additional concerns like the air they’re breathing. And with the best air purifier – you won’t have to.
Before investing to safeguard the health of your loved ones, we understand wanting to find a trusted company. Please explore our humble beginnings here. We’re so proud of our Defender, we provide a Lifetime Perpetual Warranty. Our durable, small, compact air purifier can freshen a space up to 700 sq ft, and run quietly for 24 hours.
Now more than ever, we encourage you to try simple, practical ways to support your older loved ones in the best care and conditions — so they can enjoy a healthier, longer life. We’re honored for you to consider partnering with us to help that become a reality.
- https://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/volatile-organic-compounds-impact-indoor-air-quality
- https://www.epa.gov/report-environment/indoor-air-quality
- https://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/introduction-indoor-air-quality#health
The best air purifier for assisted living.