Houseplants that can clean the air in your home

Since so much of our time is spent indoors, healthy air quality should be a top priority. Discover a few plants that can aid in the removal of pollutants while beautifying your home.
Spider Plant
This easy to care for houseplant thrives in bright, indirect light. It works hard to remove the air of harmful pollutants like formaldehyde and benzene. This plant is an especially good option for beginning gardeners. It reproduces quickly, growing long, grassy leaves. The hanging stems will sprout plantlets – hence the arachnid-inspired name. Not to mention these babies can be nipped and rooted to be planted on their own!
Golden Pothos
This fast-growing vine is such a great choice! If watering slips your mind it’s a very forgiving plant. You can get creative with its pot. For example you can plant it in a hanging basket, or train it to climb a trellis. Dark green leaves with golden streaks and marbling make it a brilliant addition to a home or office.
Like many other vines, it tackles formaldehyde, but golden pothos also targets carbon monoxide and benzene. If you have a connected garage, car exhaust fumes heavy in formaldehyde can drift indoors. Place this plant near the entry door to combat these unhealthy fumes.
English Ivy
A beautiful and elegant choice. English Ivy is excellent for removing harmful chemicals found in the home. It can grow in full shade to full sun. It can be trained into shapes. With proper care, it is likely to survive for several years.
Philodendrons are very low maintenance. Even if you don’t have a green thumb, this plant should grow no matter what. You can train them up a trellis or simply leave them grow on their own. Place multiple plants around your home to clean and freshen the air.
The Dracaena plant is one of the most efficient plants at cleaning the air in your home. It reaches a height of about three feet indoors, and has a lush tree type of look. But keep your pets away from this plant, as it can be toxic to animals when ingested.

“Through studies conducted by NASA, scientists have identified 50 houseplants that help remove many of the pollutants and gases mentioned above. NASA, with assistance from the Associated Landscape Contractors of America, conducted a two-year study directed by Dr. B.C. Wolverton, an environmental engineer from Picayune, Washington, and a research scientist for NASA for over 20 years. Dr. Wolverton’s study of the interaction between plants and air found that houseplants, when placed in sealed chambers in the presence of specific chemicals, removed those chemicals from the chambers. He concluded that plants can clean pollutants in homes, offices, factories and retail outlets.”1
By Kim Reising