The Ultimate Guide for Air Purifiers for Pet Owners

Can an Air Purifier Help With a Pet Allergy?
Red eyes. Itchy nose. The inability to get a full breath of air all the way down to the bottom of your lungs. Sound familiar? These symptoms are a common nuisance to anyone with a pet allergy.
While the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America estimates nearly 30% of Americans experience pet allergies, even people without a diagnosed sensitivity to pet dander can experience symptoms of discomfort due to the amount of pet hair brought into the house.
Pet hair can hold saliva, dirt, pet dander, pollen, and even urine or fecal particles and bring them into your home. The amount of particles present depends on the length of hair and size of the pet, but there is as a hypoallergenic animal, even hairless animals.
Particularly in closed-window seasons, those allergens and irritating particles can accumulate and affect the quality of air for everyone in the home. The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology discovered that over 90% of homes have measurable dog and cat allergens present, even though only 52% of homes actually have a pet.
Yet, the desire for a four-legged best friend isn’t going anywhere.
Half the homes in your neighborhood are likely to have a pet in their home. Pets are shown to boost mood, raise social skills, and even impact life expectancy. The researched benefits to pet ownership are numerous, so what do we do?
Is there a way for people with pet allergies to proceed without having to weigh the quality of life with or without their furry friends?
The answer in most cases is a resounding YES.
Reducing the Effect of Pet Allergies
There are two ways to tackle the presence of pet dander in the home. 1. Mitigate the amount of allergens brought into your home and 2. Remove the particles that remain in the air.

Mitigating the amount of allergens brought into your home.
When you think about doing your laundry, which is a more daunting task? Remembering that you haven’t done laundry in three weeks and now must tackle several loads, or merely throwing one load in the wash and folding it by the end of the day? As is true with all labors in life, the less you have to tackle, the easier it is to tackle.
Reducing the amount of allergens can help those who experience symptoms from pet dander.
- Brush your dogs outside. While it is true that pet allergies are provoked by pet dander, not pet hair, the truth is that pet hair is the perfect host for dander, dirt, and other unpleasant sources of pollution in your home. Because of this, there are truly no hypoallergenic pets; simply, there are pets who shed less dander or whose fur traps it close to their bodies, like a Goldendoodle. However, regardless of how short or long-haired your animal is, regularly grooming them outside will reduce the amount of pet hair that is shed in your home.
- Bathe your pets weekly. Once a week, after first brushing your dog outside, bring them inside and give them a bath. Replacing a stationary shower head with an extendable one can make it easier to spray down animals with minimal mess and minimal opportunities for the dreaded soapy-water shake. (Note: while cats keep themselves clean, their saliva holds the proteins that trigger pet allergies, so bathing is still recommended.)
- Wipe paws as soon as they come inside. Paws hold a huge concentration of dirt and pet allergens, so doing a quick wipe on animals as they come in can reduce the amount of contaminants. These microfiber pads are excellent for capturing any mud off an animal with little intervention from you.
- Avoid licking. If you can help it, train your dog or cat to avoid licking you. The proteins present in saliva can trigger pet allergies.
- Get your pets their own furniture and avoid letting them onto yours. At the very minimum, avoid allowing them on your bed. Cuddles are wonderful, but spending 8 hours in close proximity to your pets, breathing in allergens, and collecting pet hair and pet dander in your sheets will cause your symptoms to be significantly exacerbated.
Removing the pet dander that inevitably makes it through.

Even the most committed people to preventative measures will be unable to capture or prevent every minuscule flake of pet dander that exists. Pet allergens (and other allergens such as dust, pollen, etc.) can stick to the carpet, furniture, walls, and air. Cat dander especially is buoyant, which means this allergen is easily airborne. These tips are some of the few ways you can remove pet dander once it is in your home.
- Vacuum the carpet, floors, and walls weekly. Pet allergens can cling to these surfaces for months, so it’s best to tackle it as frequently as possible. We are partial to the FilterQueen Majestic Surface Cleaner, as it effectively captures and traps pet dander and pet hair instead of shooting the smaller particles straight back into the air you breathe, and where they can remain suspended for hours.
- Keep your windows open as often as possible. Airflow is a critical step to keeping the air fresh and healthy in your home. However, this advice works only in the absence of other allergies such as pollen, in which case, you may need to…
- Find the right air purifier for your home. When weather is too cold or too hot, or when allergens abound, running an air purifier is a safe and effective way to remove pet dander from the air. When it comes to pet allergies, there is no better solution than the FilterQueen Defender Air Purifier.
The Defender Air Purifier is your best defense against pet allergies.
While air purifiers have had notable attention drawn toward them due to COVID-19, they are also the unsung heroes of reducing pet allergy flare-ups. Here’s how and why the Defender is the most effective air purifier on the market.

- 3x better-than-HEPA filtration. HEPA is the industry standard shown to reduce pet dander in the air, filtering 99.97% of particles at 0.3 micron. The FilterQueen Defender has been independently tested to remove 99.99% of particles down to 0.1 micron. This industry-leading performance is why the Defender is recognized by the FDA as a Class II Medical Device. This means it can capture not only pet dander, but dust, mold spores, bacteria, and viruses. In short, all things that can be brought in by a four-legged friend.
- No UV light. While touted by some to attack novel coronavirus and other pathogens, the EPA conducted a landmark study of air purifiers that found that UV light technology in air purifiers is ineffective, costly, and potentially dangerous.
- 360° Air Intake. The lower half of the Defender pulls air in from every angle, no matter which way the machine is facing. Place the Defender wherever you’d like and know it’s collecting pet allergens from every part of the room, circulating clear air back through the top.
- VOC & Odor Capture. Air filters through the Enviropure Activated Charcoal Wrap, capturing numerous types of harmful VOCs and unwanted odors from the room. Homes will no longer smell like their non-human residents, giving a clear signal to pet owners that pet dander, hair, and other irritants are leaving their home for good.
In conclusion: Fido and Ginger Snap are here to stay.
With proper air filtration, mitigation techniques, and the okay from your doctor, there is significant hope that your home can be both pet-friendly and lung-friendly. Pet allergies are a nuisance, but one that can be managed. You won’t have to choose between your best friend and an ability to get a full breath any longer.
Author: Milana King
Updated: 03/12/24